Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rising Generation

I was talking with my dear friend Arlene this week about an experience she had with her grandsons. During the conversation she shared with me 5 values she thinks boys need instilled in them to help them become good men. I agreed with her and wanted to commit the values to print...
(in no particular order)
1. Work ethic: willing to work hard, and gain skills to support a family
2. Kindness to children: patience, etc
3. Awareness of community and country. Actively involved in bettering both.
4. Respect for Women: mom, grandma, sisters, teachers, etc
5. Responsibility: Own up to mistakes, apologize face to face for them and repair the damage.

We all need a healthy dose of values. ;)

what a beautiful world

I've really been trying to live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of it. The laughter of kids, the movement of the clouds... I've been reminded that the key to happiness is gratitude, which includes appreciation for all the wonderful experiences I have been given--especially the small ones.