Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rising Generation

I was talking with my dear friend Arlene this week about an experience she had with her grandsons. During the conversation she shared with me 5 values she thinks boys need instilled in them to help them become good men. I agreed with her and wanted to commit the values to print...
(in no particular order)
1. Work ethic: willing to work hard, and gain skills to support a family
2. Kindness to children: patience, etc
3. Awareness of community and country. Actively involved in bettering both.
4. Respect for Women: mom, grandma, sisters, teachers, etc
5. Responsibility: Own up to mistakes, apologize face to face for them and repair the damage.

We all need a healthy dose of values. ;)

what a beautiful world

I've really been trying to live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of it. The laughter of kids, the movement of the clouds... I've been reminded that the key to happiness is gratitude, which includes appreciation for all the wonderful experiences I have been given--especially the small ones.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

"hate it"s

One of my biggest "hate it"s is when the kids bring home a flyer from school with misspellings. I'm not a professional teacher nor a professional proof reader and yet, I can catch those. And they bug me. It's like going to a work out class and the teacher is overweight.
I also hate it when people act like they have something to prove. Ironically enough, my sister tells me that this is one of my less endearing qualities.
I hate it when I try to finish people's sentences rather than letting them complete their thought. I'm constantly working on this.
I hate it when Dr Johnson.....breaths. :P Sadly, he's my Stake Pres. I should be working on this too.
I hate it when people disappear for a half hour smoke break.
And just to find a stopping place, I hate it when people tattle. Kids and Adults.

Mill End

Today I revisited one of the favorite stores from my youth. Mill End Fabrics. It is a warehouse of fabric. It is 32 years old. It is in a run down part of town. A part that seemed like a completely remote location when I was 7, but has now been absorbed into the city. I had to call my mom to find out what street to take, and then found it quite easily. The kids and I went to pick some fabric for Christmas presents. It felt similar to going home and taking the kids to see where I grew up. I don't really know how often I went there with my mom, but it obviously made a big impression on my young mind. I hope it made a good impression on my kids. I hope they ask to go back some day and look around some more. An entire world of fun fabrics.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


so, i don't usually go places but coming up, i'm going a lot. next weekend, the weekend after, the weekend after that, one weekend off, and then one last trip to vegas. it's going to be crazy. i couldn't do it without friends and family covering for me. and i'm trying not to let the guilt get to me about leaving my kids so much after working all week away from them. it means i'll have to go on quite a few bike rides to make up for it. i hope the weather cools off. ;)


recently i became a druggie. i admit this freely so other's know they're not alone. and i'm happier now. yay lexapro!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Best and The Worst Father's Day

Susan and I have been planning a surprise Anniversary party for my parents for a few months. She, her best friend, and my brother flew in for the surprise. Most of the people we invited were able to come. Dave made his favorite ribs and the rest was pot-luck, so that made it easier. They were genuinly surprised and it was great. The weather was beautiful (thank heavens, because it was at a park) and everyone had a lovely time.
When we got home there was an unsettling message from Dave's sister that let us know that Dave's dad had been missing all day. He was expected in Salt Lake about noon but never showed up. After church, Dave started calling all the hospitals in the area. When he called his sister to let her know that he hadn't found anything, he found out that Art's car had been found on the side of I-15 in North Salt Lake. Not long after that, we heard that his dad's body was found inside the car. He had run out of gas and it seems that the heat overcame him. It was such a shock. Dave, understandably, is very shaken and quite upset. We'll be heading to Utah soon.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


So, at dinner tonight, my mom mentioned that yesterday was a service day: Rachel and John at the Human Society, Mom and Dad making blankets, and my reading to a guy in hospital. I just want to mention a bit about my reading experience.
This man has always been in our ward, I think. His mom used to be the RS president, so I know his parents. But he has been inactive as long (and most likely a lot longer) than I've been here which is 5 years. He and his wife have a baby girl. I'm not sure how old she is...1 at the most. He went on a diving trip about 6 months ago where he had numerous simultaneous small strokes while under water and also get The Benz (?) when he surfaced. He hasn't talked since. There was a picture of he and his wife and baby in his room and he didn't really look much like his former self. He's probably lost 50 lbs. He bit down on his lips and has some sores there that are healing now. He has a tracheotomy. I don't know how much brain function there is, but his eyes pretty much follow you. I suppose it could be a reflex, but I'd like to think it's cognisance showing through. He seemed to be quite taken by the picture of the pretty college girls I showed him. Men! :P
In a situation like that, you can't help but leave wondering what life would be like as the spouse of someone who had suffered such an injury. The terrible heartache and lonliness. And to think about having to go thru the rest of your life attached to that person, unable to hope for a new, happy relationship. Because you promised to stay.
It makes my precious moments with Dave that much sweeter and more cherished. Because now there's a comparison. And my trials are lighter. And the laughter, treasured.


the sky is blue. i have beautiful friends, and an incredible family. i've been coming out of my cave lately and it's a good thing.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

done and done

Ian was baptised yesterday. Dave had spent the day "camping" at work but made it just in time. He was the only one from our ward and had to wait for the other four from the stake and be at the very end. He did great. (Jake was another story.) My mom gave the holy ghost talk afterwards and did AMAZING. I love it when she shines. She deserves more credit than she gets. We finished off with a celebration at Swensons. Jake kept us laughing by trying to lick ice cream off his seat, or eat dropped bits off the floor. It was so delicious, even John was glad he came. :P
This morning my dad sealed the deal in sacrament, confirming Ian and giving him a blessing. I hope he's able to stay on course and partake of those wonderful promises. A parent's truest wish.